Odin is a tool for big data analysis, built alongside a backend server created by the University of Ghent. Mass user input is used to validate data of businesses and data from various sources found online. A proof of concept demo application was proposed to work only in the city of Antwerp, but would afterwards be extended to all cities in Flanders, Belgium and possibly Europe. You will gain valuable data relevant to your organisation.#TheClient
Thanksys is a join venture between the largest Belgian bankassurer KBC (www.kbc.com) and VikingCo (www.vikingco.com), the company behind the community driven mobile operator. Thanksys is backed up by the regional investment company LRM (www.lrm.be). They provide technology to bring the digital revolution to local merchants, lifting traditional retail models into the new era.#TheProject
The app connects to the Thanksys server, which is in turn connected to the Semantic Web through the LDF server. Dynamic screens allow the server to present a seemingly infinite number of questions to the user. Using the API's provided by Thanksys all installations of the application are in constant connection with the server. This allows real time data to be fetched from the backend and presented to the user in the form of a “Challenge”. This allows the user to verify the accuracy of the provided question.#OurExperience
Being that the project had multiple parties working on it simultaneously, communication played a crucial part in assuring development ran smoothly and delivery happened in a timely manner. Thanksys understood this better than anyone. What an amazing team to work with! From the Project Manager to the Operations Officer, we instantly hit it off, and just like that an amazing partnership was born. Their team was very professional, decisive and had a no-nonsense approach. We can not wait to work with them again.Contact
Appamist Belgium | Antwerp
HeadquartersCoebergerstraat 49,
2018 Antwerpen, Belgium